as1131 jp1131 bobabet
Conference – International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)
Mon-Fri 08.00 AM - 04.00 PM +6281 (6572772)


5th International Conference in Health Sciences (ICHS)


Conference will be centered in the Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto

Virtual Conference

The activities during the conference including:
1. Keynote lectures which will be given by our invited speakers.
2. Presenters for oral
3. Poster presentations
4. Online discussion among participants
All activities will be conducted using virtual platform.


Speakers will deliver their session online, and participants are allowed to ask question directly or through message in the virtual platform. Materials can be downloaded after the session.

Oral Presenters

Oral presentation will be held parallel based on the theme or field. The distribution of session will be available at least one week prior the conference date. The presenter name and paper title will appear on the session schedule. Presenters are allowed to upload their power point presentation three days before the presentation session. Presenters may present their paper through recorded video or live streaming. If video becomes the choice, presenters must upload their video (max 200 MB) three days before the presentation. If presenters opt live streaming, make sure the internet connection is excellent. However, it is advised that all presenters prepare their recorded video beforehand to anticipate any troubles during online presentation. On the presentation session, presenters must attend the whole session, and answer the questions from the participants.

Poster Presenters

Presenters must upload their poster one week before the conference. Posters will be displayed during the conference. Participants may ask questions regarding the poster, therefore presenters are required to check the poster session in the apps regularly and answer directly in the apps.

Participants (do not present papers)

Those who register as participants have all access to all sessions of plenary, oral and poster presentation. It is suggested also that participants take this opportunity to do networking and participate in all discussions.

Proceeding and materials from this conference can be downloaded in the apps. E-certificate can also be downloaded after the conference. We believe that this virtual conference will give more chance for all participants to explore all sessions and enable a deeper discussion and a new networking among participants. The interaction and discussion will not be limited by time and place, therefore a more engaging event can be obtained from this symposium.