as1131 jp1131 bobabet
Scope & Download – International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)
Mon-Fri 08.00 AM - 04.00 PM +6281 (6572772)

Scope & Download

5th International Conference in Health Sciences (ICHS)

Call For Abstract

Abstracts are invited on all aspects of health related research, especially the conference sub-themes below :

  1. Advanced health technology and medical treatment
  2. Communicable and non communicable disease
  3. Pharmaceutical sciences
  4. Nursing care
  5. Clinical pharmacy
  6. Mental health
  7. Health promotion and education
  8. Health policy, health services and health economic
  9. Biomedical sciences
  10. Maternal and child health
  11. Nutrition and functional food
  12. Physical education
  13. Sport sciences
  14. Environmental and occupational health
  15. Gender equity and social inclusion in health
  16. Other Health Science-related Topics

Type of presentation

  1. There are two types of presentation: oral presentation and poster presentation.
  2. We would assign the abstracts for oral presentation in first priority.
  3. Since the number of abstracts for oral presentation is limited, the program committee reserves the rights to select the appropriate abstracts for oral presentation. The accepted abstracts that were not selected for oral presentation will be automatically switched to poster presentation.

Text formats and requirements

  1. All abstracts must be submitted in English and its font needs to be typed in Times New Roman size 12 in order to avoid any character corruption.
  2. The length of the abstract is no more than 250 words or 1,500 characters.
  3. Up to six co-authors can be added.
  4. When applicable, the abstract should include: title, authors, objectives, methods, results and discussion/conclusion.
  5. Upon abstract submission, authors will have the option to save and edit their abstracts until the deadline submission of June 5, 2021.
  6. Authors can submit and present an unlimited number of abstracts.
  7. Please note that abstracts or papers submitted elsewhere June 5, 2021 should not be resubmitted


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