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Abstract Guidelines – International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)
Mon-Fri 08.00 AM - 04.00 PM +6281 (6572772)

Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts are invited on all aspects of health related research, especially the conference sub-themes below :

  1. Advanced health technology and medical treatment
  2. Communicable and non communicable disease
  3. Pharmaceutical sciences
  4. Nursing care
  5. Clinical pharmacy
  6. Mental health
  7. Health promotion and education
  8. Health policy, health services and health economic
  9. Biomedical sciences
  10. Maternal and child health
  11. Nutrition and functional food
  12. Physical education
  13. Sport sciences
  14. Environmental and occupational health
  15. Gender equity and social inclusion in health
  16. Other Health Science-related Topics

Guidelines :

  • Abstract is clearly written to help readers get understanding on the new and important aspects without reading the whole article.
  • Abstract should use maximum 300 words.
  • Should consist of background, purpose, methods, results and conclusion.
  • Use maximum 5 appropriate words for keywords
  • Keywords are written below the abstract, separated each other with coma (,)

Example of Abstract

Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Indonesian Diabetic Patients with Foot Ulcers

xxxx1*, yyyyy1, zzzzz1

1Department of  vvvvvv,  Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: xxxxxx (

Background: Diabetic ulcer will cause a reduction in quality of life (QOL) and even mortality. An assessment of QOL and associated factors in patients with diabetic ulcer is important to provide evidence for establishing a care plan program for such patients. However, up to the present, there is no evidence of a published study that investigates the QOL and its associated factors in patients with diabetic ulcer in Indonesia.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the QOL in patients with diabetic ulcer in each domain and investigate the factors associated with this condition.

Methods: The design of this study was a cross-sectional study. The total sample for this study was 350 patients. The QOL data were collected using a Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale questionnaire. Statistical analyses were conducted using Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test.

Results: The result showed that the QOL in the domains of emotions, positive compliance, family life, and friend were high, while the QOL in the domains of daily activities, physical health, leisure, finances, positive attitude, and treatment ranged from low to average. Significant differences were found between income (p=0.004), grade of the wound (p=0.047), number of wounds (p=0.029), and blood glucose (p=0.013) with QOL of patients.

Conclusion: There is a correlation between income, grade of the wound, the number of wounds, and blood glucose with QOL of patients with a diabetic foot ulcer. This study recommends to take into account economic status, grade and number of wound, and blood glucose level in order to improve the QOL of patients for an effective patient care plan.

Keywords: Diabetic, quality of life,  ulcer